Why Not, Minot
Minot, ND USA is one of the coldest places in the continental united states. Cold and aviation do not always mix. It snows sideways and rains basically ice and this has a huge impact on the airport in town. The weather in Minot, currently is -2 with a real feel of -14 after the windchill. The grounds are painted white with snow and ice and that's including the taxiways and runway of the airport. "Minot International Airport (MOT) boasts the largest commercial terminal in the state of North Dakota, with air service provided by Delta, United, and Allegiant." (Fun Facts)
When it comes to the snow and ice in Minot, there is usually both present nine out of the twelve months out of the year. Even in these conditions the airport does not slow down. If anything traffic picks up becuase of people trying to visit warmer places.
This takes a toll on the airport because the workers still have to work outside and have to de-ice planes while ice is practically falling down. Even though traffic is still up at the airports, planes get delayed all the time because of many different reasons. The workers can only be outside for so many minutes before legally they have to go inside to warm up. This causes pre flights and plane turnaround times to take longer than in the summer. The runways and taxiways have to be de-iced and shoveled multiple times throughout the day.
Fast facts. Fast Facts | Minot Airport, ND. (n.d.). Retrieved February 25, 2022, from https://www.motairport.com/231/Fast-Facts
Google. (n.d.). Google search. Retrieved February 26, 2022, from https://www.google.com/search?q=minot%2Binternational%2Bairport%2Bde%2Bice&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwii8ryk5Jj2AhUJQhQKHR97CRcQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=minot%2Binternational%2Bairport%2Bde%2Bice&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoECAAQQzoECAAQGDoECAAQHlD2Blj3JWCuJ2gAcAB4AIABWYgByASSAQE4mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=dLUXYqLoN4mEUZ_2pbgB&bih=828&biw=1707#imgrc=IrWvknrpiVl_lM
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