People in Aviation

 Human factors, in the aviation world, is defined as a “multidisciplinary effort to generate and compile information about human capabilities and limitations and apply that information to equipment, systems, facilities, procedures, jobs, environments, training, staffing, and personnel management for safe, comfortable, and effective human performance” (FAA Order 9550.8A). When it comes to working in aviation, especially as a team, human factor ahs to come into play. A single person in a team could cause an entire operation to go south if they decided to get lazy, or cut corners, or skips steps all together.

The point of taking human factor into play is to help alleviate the damage that can be caused by humans being human. Humans naturally take short cuts and skip steps, especially once comfortable with what they are doing. 

The team based activity I am writing about is the preflight inspections that crew chiefs do before every flight. That preflight inspection involves two crew chiefs and the flight crew to work together. The flight crew goes through their steps in the cockpit while the crew chiefs are on the ground verifying the actions that are taking place. If the crew chief is not paying attention then steps could get miss and that could lead to any number of things like an in-flight emergency or cause an emergency landing to occur. 

So, human factors are taken very seriously in the aviation world because human factors make up 70% of the aviation mishap that happen.

Google. (n.d.). Role of Human Factors in the FAA. Google. Retrieved February 12, 2022, from


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